Programme 2024/25

latest update - 3 June 2024


4 September - (Room & Zoom)
Members Welcome Evening
The start of another season!

11 September - (Room & Zoom)
Lynda Haney - My Creative Journey
This talk explores Lynda’s journey into creative photography.

14 and 15 September 2024 in Melbourne
Melbourne Arts Festival
Melbourne Arts Festival is one of the UK’s biggest. RRDPS will be exhibiting and selling images and members will be able to use the Castle Lane Studio.

16 September 2024 (Zoom only)
Members’ Monday Image Critique for N&EMPF Exhibition on Zoom
Thinking of entering images into the N&EMPF exhibition? Get advice to improve your chances.

18 September - (Room only)
Erica Oram - A Bit of This, That, and the Other
Erica will be sharing her personal challenge of finding the less obvious subjects and compositions.

25 September 2024 – (Room only)
Print Competition 1 
The first of the new format print competitions, judged by Jane Lines.

02 October 2024 – (Room & Zoom)
“Ten Images, Ten Members, Ten Minutes” 
Ten members each have ten minutes to talk about ten of their images – details soon.

09 October 2024 – (Room & Zoom)
“Photographing the Night Sky” with Chris Platkiw 
Chris shares his images and experiences, using the kit most of us are likely to own.

16 October 2024 – (Room & Zoom)
“The Image of the Year” with Dave Cudworth
The best of last season’s images, with an external judge, and a “Members” Choice” chosen by us.

23 October 2024 – (Room only)
Members’ Practical Evening 
The first of our practical evenings this season – details soon.

30 October 2024 - tbc
“On The Edge – part 2
Derek Dorr, Ian Pinn and Chris Newham explore the Scottish islands with their cameras.

06 November 2024 – (Room only)
Members’ Practical Evening
The second of our practical evenings this season – details soon.

11 November 2024 – (Zoom only)
Members’ Monday
Designed to help us improve our photography – tell us what you want to know more about.

13 November 2024 – (Room & Zoom)
PDI Competition 1
The first of the new format PDI competitions, judged by Ray Bramall.

20 November 2024 – (Room only)
“An Insight into my Photography” with Paul Hassell
Paul shares his journey from being a relative novice to award-winning photographer.

27 November 2024 – (Zoom only)
“My Restless Lens” with Keith Snell 
Wildlife, figurative, abstract, and impressionist landscapes all feature in this wide-ranging talk.

04 December 2024 – (Room only)
Print Competition 2 
The second of the new format print competitions, judged by David Gibbins.

11 December 2024- (Zoom only)
 “Ancient Woodland and Trees” – with Andy Sands
After his wonderful macro talk last season, we’re delighted to welcome Andy back to share his passion for ancient woodlands and trees.

18 December 2024 – (Room only)
Christmas Social: Our end of year party
A relaxed and informal social evening to celebrate the first half of the season.

09 January 2025 - (Room & Zoom)
 “Touring Japan” with Brian Stephenson & Chris Brown
Travelling to Japan at different times in 2023, we can expect to hear about what makes Japan such a compelling place to visit.

13 January 2025 – (Zoom only)
Members’ Monday 
Designed to help us improve our photography – tell us what you want to know more about.

15 January 2025 - (Room only)
Beeston Camera Club
Members of Beeston Camera Club will be talking about their work and sharing some good-natured banter.

22 January 2025 – (Room & Zoom)
PDI Competition 2
The second of the new format PDI competitions, judged by Ralph Duckett.

29 January 2025 - (Zoom only)
 “My Photographic Journey” with Andrew McCarthy
Andrew uses his work to highlight the beauty and complexity of the natural world, and to raise awareness of the fragility of our environment in a period of unprecedented change.

05 February 2025 – (Room only)
Members’ Practical Evening
The third of our practical evenings this season – details soon.

12 February 2025 – (Room & Zoom)
“Sports Photography” with Mark Dunn and Marlies Chell
Marlies and Mark talk about how they make their award-winning images.

19 February 2025 – (Zoom only)
PDI Competition 3
The third of the new format PDI competitions, judged by Diane Seddon.

24 February 2025 – (Zoom only)
Members’ Monday 
Designed to help us improve our photography – tell us what you want to know more about.

26 February 2025 – (Room & Zoom)
“Three of a Kind” (panel competition)
A new panel competition, where each of us is the judge.

05 March 2025 – (Zoom only)
“Mountain Photography in the Drakensberg” with Alex Nail
Award-winning photographer Alex takes us on a visually stunning journey as he back-packed for 20 weeks in the mountains of South Africa.

12 March 2025 – (Room only)
Print Competition 3
The third of the new format print competitions, judged by Erica Oram.

19 March 2025 – (Room & Zoom)
London Salon DVD and discussion
Artistic feeling and execution are the drivers of this exhibition. Our chance to see what’s been accepted, and to discuss them.  

26 March 2025 – (Room only)
Members’ Practical Evening
The fourth of our practical evenings this season – details soon.

02 April 2025 – (Room & Zoom)
PDI Competition 4
The fourth and final round of the new format PDI competitions, judged by David Kissman.

09 April 2025 – (Room only)
Members’ Practical Evening
The final practical evening of this season – details soon.

14 April 2025 – (Zoom only)
Members’ Monday 
Designed to help us improve our photography – tell us what you want to know more about.

16 April 2025 – (Room & Zoom)
“Wildlife Adventures” with Royston Packer
Roy shares a wildlife feast with images of the many species he photographs.

23 April 2025 – (Room only)
Print Competition 4
The final round of the new format print competition is judged by Phil Newman.

30 April 2025 – (Room only)
“Soul to Soul” with Paul Statter
Paul is a photographer based in the Northwest of England with a particular focus on street and creative photography.

07 May 2025 – (Room only)
Chairman's Evening
A chance for the Chair of the club to reflect on, and comment on the season ending. A great social occasion with a fab buffet!

14 May 2025 – (Room & Zoom)
Annual General Meeting 
What’s worked this season and what could have been done better? A chance to help shape the future of the club.